Atelier Haute Cuisine

2020—a year we’ll never forget. During the lockdown, we spent a lot of time hiking through our hometown. This area, once dominated by coal mines, is now defined by the legacy they left behind: massive dumping grounds for stone debris that reshaped the landscape. Today, these former dumps have been reclaimed by nature, transformed into lush green hills crisscrossed with hiking trails.
This unique time, the striking landscape, and the area's mining history inspired Cofit-20, a light object that bridges past and present.
Rather than designing a traditional light fixture to conceal the bulb, we created a pedestal to celebrate it. The block features two imprints of a light bulb with its socket and can be displayed in various orientations, emphasizing its versatility. Its name, Cofit-20, carries layered meaning:
“CO” stands for the multiple combinations.
“FIT” refers to the Dutch word for socket, “fitting.”
“20” marks the unforgettable year 2020.
Together, the name reflects both the challenging times of lockdown and a desire to turn those moments into something positive
The black block is crafted from a concrete compound containing pieces of coal and coal waste we gathered during our walks on the old dumping grounds. In doing so, Cofit-20 pays homage to our roots, our hometown’s coal mining history, and our enduring love for light.